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Few words

This website could not exist without our clients, private or public, who have entrusted us with their projects, without the know-how of the project managers and contractors who have built them, and certainly not without the conceptual and follow-up work of our teams, from the first sketch on the drawing board to the project’s completion. Many thanks to you all!


Many of our clients confess in passing that they would have liked to have been an architect. Often the consequence of a calling, this exciting job, much like that of craftsmen, is one where the result is concrete (no pun intended!) It often becomes an all-consuming passion because it requires commitment, professionalism, and permanent attention so that a project, once conceived and drawn, can become reality… true to its design.
Over the years we have made Bruno Zevi’s quote where he places the human being at the centre of any project, our own: “Architecture is like a large hollow sculpture in the centre of which man enters, walks, lives…” (Apprendre à voir l’architecture – Les Éditions de Minuit). Stripped from this dimension, doesn’t architecture remain as cold and lifeless as does an intellectual concept?


It is now apparent that we draw our inspiration from the architectural sources of the Mediterranean basin in which we have our roots. Continuously surprising the eyes with new discoveries, opening a project as if suddenly making it see-through, allowing the onlooker’s eyes to open onto a patio, to fly above terrace roofs, and above all to wallow in the changing game of southern lights, that is what makes us tick and what we would like to share with you in these pages.


Read more :

The team

Our means

Our Book